Why Freedom Collective?
We’ve read the articles and seen the TED talks about how important being outdoors is to our kids. Kids of all ages learn better when they’re given the space to roam and discover. While traditional education was invented in the model of the assembly line, over one hundred years ago, we think it’s time to get outside that box.
Our inquiry-based environment is for learners who are independent and self-motivated. These types of young people don’t want adults micromanaging their every movement; our guides step in as requested and then step out of the way.
We want your child to experience Freedom Collective and see why we’ve been working so hard to create what we have created. The learning that goes on here is profound, not shallow. The work is hard and gratifying. The children attend because they’re passionate, inspired and supported.
Cultivating that kind of autonomy is preparing our kids for the world they have yet to create.