Adventurous Play doesn’t mean dangerous…
We live in a world where we educate our kids on stranger-danger— when the odds of a stranger abducting our kids are 1 in 14 million*. Our culture has made it easier to just say ‘no’ because teaching kids how to take responsible risks seems harder than the potential worth. But the ‘risky’ or adventurous behaviour of kids is what teaches them how to be safe as adults.
When kids climb a tree, they will climb as high as they each dare, as high as they are comfortable. Upon returning to the earth, that child knows that they can do ‘scary’ things and be successful! When a child jumps and scrapes a knee, the child realizes that they are tough, but fragile, and so are their friends.
Kids need to move in order to develop their vestibular senses. Freedom Collective will give your kids space and time to strengthen their gross and fine motor skills by hanging upside down, spinning in circles until they fall down giggling, and moving big branches around to make an amazing fort!
We will ensure your child has the appropriate guidance to make good learning choices. We will teach your child to use appropriate tools safely when building, experimenting and doing everything. Until a child can demonstrate safe use of any tool— whether it’s a Montessori learning tool or a hand drill or a hammer for example, they will not be permitted to use it.
Adventurous play is the best play. We will teach and support your child and you’ll watch them thrive making and doing things with their own hands.
*Based on 2003 RCMP report