We acknowledge our school resides in the unceded territory traditionally cared for by the Chippewa, Odawa, Potawatomi and Delaware, known as Lunaapeew and the Anishinaabeg at the time Treaties #2, #7 and #29 were signed.
We acknowledge that there were many indigenous peoples who travelled these lands and who were a part of the Wampum treaties before 1790.
We thank all stewards of the land for their care of the air that flows around us and through the trees. We thank the stewards for their care of the earth beneath us that allows us to grow and stay connected to each other.
We thank the indigenous peoples who took care of this land and the water that flows to cleanse the earth and nourish the creatures that also travel these spaces. We thank the people who have shared heat from fire, shared care and brought us together through the dance of flames on this land.
We remember that the Earth Mother belongs to no-one. We agree that the responsibility of taking care of the Earth is obligation of all Peoples.
Freedom Collective